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Fingerprinting Process
DPS Fingerprint clearance Card – not required prior to entry, but required prior to externship participation. Note: If the student is unable to complete externships as scheduled due to non-performance of this item, they may be dismissed from the program. Obtaining a fingerprint clearance card takes 6-8 weeks. Therefore, it is critical that this step be completed prior to entry into the program. The cost varies (between $10-$25) for the fingerprinting (payable on the day of service) and $65 for the application to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
To Apply For Fingerprint card, please see below:
1. Apply for Level 1 fingerprint card.
2. Please go to to apply online.
Click Apply for a card and the click Apply for a Fingerprint Clearance Card .
Fill out form and submit.
Information for fingerprint card application:
Reason why you need to be fingerprinted >>>> Please choose >>> Regular Application (Volunteer or Student)
For Subject on the next page please choose>>> Health Science Students & Clinical Assistants ARS §15-1881
There are other services which will provide fingerprinting and help you fill out the necessary forms. You can get more information from the DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card FAQs.