Questions? Call or Text (800) 728-0209

Fingerprinting Process

DPS Fingerprint clearance Cardnot required prior to entry, but required prior to externship participation. Note: If the student is unable to complete externships as scheduled due to non-performance of this item, they may be dismissed from the program. Obtaining a fingerprint clearance card takes 6-8 weeks. Therefore, it is critical that this step be completed prior to entry into the program. The cost varies (between $10-$25) for the fingerprinting (payable on the day of service) and $65 for the application to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

To Apply For Fingerprint card, please see below:

1. Apply for Level 1 fingerprint card.

2. Please go to to apply online.

Click Apply for a card and the click Apply for a Fingerprint Clearance Card .

Fill out form and submit.

Information for fingerprint card application:
Reason why you need to be fingerprinted >>>> Please choose >>> Regular Application (Volunteer or Student)
For Subject on the next page please choose>>> Health Science Students & Clinical Assistants ARS §15-1881

There are other services which will provide fingerprinting and help you fill out the necessary forms. You can get more information from the DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card FAQs.

Questions? Call or Text (800) 728-0209